By the time the first texts were written and visual depictions chiselled , an indistinguishable mixture of life patterns has already taken place , though we can still make out a multiplicity of bases . जब तक आदि ग्रंथ लिखे गये और एक साफ तस्वीर बनी तब तक जीवन शैलियां आपस में ऐसी घुल मिल गयीं कि उन्हें अलग करके देखना संभव न हो सका हालांकि आधारगत भिन्नताएं हम आज भी खोज सकते हैं .
What is the meaning of आदि ग्रंथ in English and how to say adi gramtha in English? आदि ग्रंथ English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by